
Atelier Summerhill, the vibrant and dynamic art room nestled within the heart of Summerhill School, serves as a haven for boundless creativity and imaginative exploration. It provides a nurturing environment where children can delve into the depths of their artistic endeavors, engaging in projects.Within the walls of Atelier Summerhill, young minds are free to express themselves, unburdened by constraints.This unique space not only facilitates independent personal work but also serves as a platform for thoughtfully designed lessons that cater to the diverse interests of the children. Delving into captivating themes such as Art and the Environment, Art and Politics, Art from Around the World, Art Outside, Survivalist Art for a Post Apocalyptic World, and even the intricate intricacies of Life Drawing, the students are truly granted opportunities to explore the vast realms of artistic expression. Embracing an ethos of resourcefulness, we harness everything - from discarded treasures collected during litter pick-ups to the very fabric of textiles that we skillfully weave into stunning creations. Furthermore, for our more mature students, the option to pursue Art and Design GCSE further amplifies their artistic growth and opens doors to a world of exciting possibilities. In essence, Atelier Summerhill breathes life into the imagination, providing a rich tapestry of artistic experiences that nurtures the creative spirit of all who enter.